Walsh Announces House Committee Assignments

January 8, 2025

HARRISBURG – Rep. Jamie Walsh (R-Luzerne) this week was appointed to serve on the Children and Youth, Health, Housing and Community Development, and State Government committees in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for the 2025-26 Legislative Session.

“The important work we do in committees is a critical part of the legislative process,” said Walsh. “These committees are a good fit for me, and I am grateful to Republican leadership for placing me where I can best use my knowledge and experience to benefit all Pennsylvanians. As a first-term lawmaker, I can’t wait to get started.”

The House Children and Youth Committee studies adoption and child protection issues, along with child day care services, infant/child/mother health issues, juvenile delinquency, and adolescent and teen problems.

The Health Committee focuses on issues such as abortion, disease management, stem cell research, health savings accounts, hospital-acquired infections, Medical Assistance, patient safety, pharmaceutical issues, telemedicine and much more.

The House Housing and Community Development Committee reviews legislation affecting the state’s largest cities including housing; urban redevelopment; economic development; land use planning and zoning; growth management; infrastructure financing; and city services such as police, fire, sewage and water.

The House State Government Committee is responsible for reviewing legislation dealing with all aspects of state government, including proposed amendments to the Pennsylvania Constitution, statewide initiatives and referenda, the Public Official and Employee Ethics Act, the Regulatory Review Act, legislative redistricting, Election Code reform, lobbyist disclosure and campaign financing.

Standing committees are a cornerstone of the legislative process. All bills are assigned to a committee to undergo review. Committees may hold hearings on legislation, consider amendments to pending bills and report them to the full House for a vote.

Walsh and other House members took the oath of office on Jan. 7 to officially begin the new session.

Representative Jamie Walsh
117th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepWalsh.com / Facebook.com/RepJamieWalsh

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