Walsh: Shapiro Budget Proposal Short-Changes Rural School Districts

February 5, 2025

HARRISBURG – Rep. Jamie Walsh (R-Luzerne) attended a joint session of the Pennsylvania General Assembly on Tuesday to hear Gov. Josh Shapiro’s budget proposal for the 2025-26 fiscal year.

Walsh issued the following statement in reaction to the governor’s nearly $51.5 billion spending plan, which is a $3.57 billion (7.5%) increase over the current fiscal year:

“My top concern with the governor’s budget proposal is the way education dollars are being allocated. Two of my rural school districts would receive just a 0.6% increase in Basis Education Funding year-over-year. That is very difficult for them to manage, and they are talking about cutting band, art and extracurricular activities. Meanwhile, an urban school district next door is getting 12-14% more. The current funding formula is unfair and is crushing Pennsylvania’s rural school districts.

“I am also concerned about the elimination of a number of line items that will impact the agricultural industry, economic development and first responders, while 20 new line items were added. We simply cannot fund the Commonwealth this way anymore. It is very reckless.

“The governor also wants to draw revenue from the state’s Rainy Day Fund to help balance his spending plan. We are literally one year away from depleting the fund, and are going to be in the hurt locker when that happens.

“It is very important during the upcoming budget hearings that we speak on behalf of our rural school districts, our farming community and our cash-strapped municipalities. I just believe there is plenty of revenue here in Pennsylvania. The problem is that it isn’t being spent properly.”

Walsh noted that the governor’s address is just the beginning of the annual budget process. The House Appropriations Committee will conduct a series of hearings starting Tuesday, Feb. 18, to examine the details of Shapiro’s plan and how state departments and agencies are spending their funding. The General Assembly and governor face a June 30 deadline to finalize the budget.

To view or download a broadcast-quality video of Walsh’s comments, visit here.

Representative Jamie Walsh
117th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepWalsh.com / Facebook.com/RepJamieWalsh

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