Office Services

My district office staff and I are here to help you navigate a variety of state-related issues, services, and programs.

A few of the things we can assist with include:

·  Birth/Death certificate applications. 
·  Issues and problems with Pennsylvania insurance programs: Medical Assistance, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). 
·  Property Tax/Rent Rebate applications and assistance. 
·  Unemployment Compensation issues. 
·  Veterans issues and benefits. 
·  Referrals to agencies to resolve state-related matters. 
·  Information on financial assistance for higher education.  
·  Fishing and hunting information.  
·  Assistance with PennDOT paperwork, along with forms for special tags and driver and vehicle services. 
·  Tours of the State Capitol for individuals or groups. 

Please feel free to call us with questions on any state-related matter.

Contact information for all of my offices is at the bottom of this page, or can be found here.

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